Anti Diet Approach ebook
What’s wrong with the standard, traditional approach to weight loss, dieting and nutrition?
The definition of insanity is to repeat the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result…
Yet everyone forgets this when it comes to fitness, dieting, and nutrition “programs.”
The multi-billion dollar fitness and diet-industry is built on repeated failure. There is more information about weight loss diets, nutrition, and fitness than there has ever been. People who struggle with diets and their own weight often know more than average, but what if everything you “know” about fitness and dieting was precisely what was holding you back?
Learn what the alternative is.
Learn how to rid yourself of your the diet-mentality.
Create a sustainable diet that lasts forever, and that gives you a faster metabolism over time, not a slower one.
Note that this is not a book filled with diet recipes and fat loss workouts. Buying more books like that, for many people, would be a symptom of the very problem The Anti Diet Approach is about. You see, if you’re stuck in a certain cycle of failure, and stuck within a certain mentality, then even when you have the “right” information, you’ll still find yourself stuck.
That’s why this book is about breaking away from what’s holding you back!